Why Today Is the Most Important Day of the Year for Your Goals

January 19 is the day each year that most people give up on their goals. That’s why today, January 20, is the most important day for your goals, because today you have to choose whether or not you’ll keep going.

Any day of the year could be the most important for your goals though because you have the chance to give up and fall or stick with it and make those big aspirations inside of you become reality. 

It’s not easy to stick to the daily run, healthy eating choices, or writing habit. The grind is hard. The days get boring.

But doesn’t it hurt more to think that if you give up, you won’t be where you want to by this time next year?

What would it feel like if you accomplished all of your wildest dreams? How happy and fulfilled would that make you? Doesn’t that just light a fire inside of you?

Whatever you do, don’t give up. If you have to change your goal, do it. If your method isn’t working, try something new. 

I’m always surprised at how many people try to lose weight running when they could be literally dancing or walking their way to that slimmer figure and better health they want so badly. 

That’s how I do it and it’s been working for the last five years.

If you’re tired right now, take a break. Give yourself a day or even a week off. Scale back for a moment and recommit to trying again soon. Don’t wait for the perfect moment to come before you start again though, because it’s not coming.

No matter what you have to do, don’t give up. 

The pathway to the life you want is through accomplishing your goals.

I’ve written about how to do this many times. You can learn the specifics here, and here, and here if you want. 

That’s not what you need today though. Right now it’s time for some motivation to get you back to being the butt-kicking awesome person you are so you can slay your goals this year and become your best self.

People say don’t quit but you have to be wise about that. If you really do despise running, please quit running. You have my permission. 

But don’t ever quit wanting to be healthier, happier, and a better version of yourself.

I read yesterday from a writer who had surveyed 60 of the best writers that consistency was one thing they all said was vital to their success. “Consistency is the great differentiator,” he said. 

Successful writers may have written 10 terrible articles, but nobody writes 300 terrible articles. Their first few are awful and then they get better. 

I know, because I’ve written nearly 500 blog posts in the last three years. Here is my first one.

If you want to succeed, you have to stay consistent. That means not giving up, even when it gets messy. And it will get messy.

Does a mother give up when she spends hours in labor and her baby is only halfway born? No! My mom didn’t, even after 26 hours. Neither did yours, no matter how long you took to come into this world.

If you’re afraid of how much time it will take, just remember this golden advice from Earl Nightingale:

“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.”

Remember, you don’t have to go all the way right now. You just need to win today. 

Keep going, even if it’s just doing 20 push-ups, writing 100 words, or eating one green food.

It’s worth it to reach your dreams.