I realized today that these posts I’m writing on this website right now aren’t for an audience. They’re for me so I can figure out what kind of voice I want to have here and with spiritual writing in general.
When I began writing on Medium.com back in 2018 I had no idea what I was doing. Many days I’d write something and be embarrassed to hit publish. But I did anyway because I’d made a commitment.
I didn’t anticipate that the main reason for those early posts wasn’t to share ideas or make money. They were to find my writing style and for me to gain confidence as a writer.
It hit me today that the same thing is going on here and I need to embrace that. I’ve never really been good at expressing myself spiritually in writing even though I’ve always felt like it’s something I want to and should do.
So even though this post and many of the last few have felt like rambling messes, I’m going to continue publishing.
I began writing here as a way to keep up my personal challenge to write a blog post every day for 84 days straight. I don’t work on Sunday because of my faith, so I won’t write posts for my other two blogs. But I didn’t want to lose my streak and figured it would be a good time to start sharing my spiritual insights in writing.
I never really wanted this to end up being like a journal. But I’m realizing now that it’s sometimes good to get into what’s going on in my life to give context. Plus it can’t hurt to share personal experiences, especially spiritual ones.
It also helps to admit in public (sort of) that I’m not the most confident in my posts here. I recognize that there’s room for improvement but I also see that continuing even when I’m not where I want to be is important.
“Prolific is better than perfect,” as one of my favorite quotes says.