How to Make a Truth’s List to Help You Get Through Anything

This week an interesting idea popped into my head. I followed it and wrote a list of truths to combat the discouraging lies I was listening to. I opened up a Google Doc that I had previously started to write random ideas in and began a bulleted list of as many true ideas as I could think of.

When I finished, I read back through the list. It surprised me how good I felt listening to these. It felt much better than how I’d been feeling listening to some lies about life recently. And how those lies had been bringing me down.

The list was fairly long, and a pretty rough draft, but it still got me centered on doing what’s right. I believe that by following these ideas I’ll be happier and better off. Three of them stood out so I wrote them on my whiteboard that sits in front of my desk. I think they’ll have the most impact:

  1. Working when you’re tired can’t hurt you, it will make you feel good.
  2. Whatever you’re worrying about isn’t going to be as bad as you think. Stop overthinking it, everything’s going to be just fine.
  3. Dislike things quietly and your relationships will improve and you’ll be happier.

All of the truths I wrote came in this “if… then…” format like the ones you see here. Each contains both something I can do differently and a positive outcome that that action will give me.

I may have to refine these truths, but for now, they are already inspiring me to make some changes that are improving my happiness and everything else about my life. I’m confident that these ideas will help me get through anything. You can get this too by making a truths list of your own.

I also discovered a life-changing spiritual principle as I was writing these truths. About a decade ago I learned that the Hebrew symbols for Truth are each a representation of something Christ did or was. I’ve also recently discovered that Christ is Truth.

I see this is true when I think about how the adversary is all about lies and bringing us down by tricking us with them. If lies bring me down, that means they can only be from the adversary, so it makes sense that Truth brings me up, therefore it can only come from Christ.

So really this list isn’t just a bunch of random true ideas, they’re principles that will bring me closer to Christ and the joy and success that He wants me to have in all aspects of my life.