Become Who You Want to Be Before You Need To

When I was about 15-years-old I realized that the best thing for me to focus on was preparing to become a missionary. From what I’d learned of others’ experiences becoming missionaries, I recognized that it was the #1 way to set myself off on the right path in life.

I studied about it, thought about it, and prepared as best as I could. I began to live by the phrase “is this what a missionary would do?” If the answer was no, then I would stop doing that thing. Seeing the many improvements I was making was rewarding at each step of the way. But possibly the best part was what happened when I actually became a missionary.

On August 28, 2008, I got on an airplane and headed for Manchester England. About a day later I arrived in Preston England where I began my training. Although I was tired, I quickly felt right at home as a missionary.

My preparation had paid off in a big way.

It didn’t feel that much different than how I had been living my life before. Sure, there was a much stricter schedule than I had been following before I left home and other inevitable adjustments to make. But generally, I felt like I had already become a missionary long before I got there. It made the work go a lot more smoothly, even though it was still very challenging at times.

And I did end up being right about my missionary service setting me on the right track. After getting home things quickly fell into place with work, college, marriage, and everything else. Life still had its ups and downs, but I felt more confident than ever that I’d always be just fine because I learned how to put God first.

No matter where you’re at in life there’s always another calling just around the corner. It could be a new management position at work or in your community. Or you might find yourself becoming the leader of a group in your church.

While there is certainly something to be said of on-the-job learning, a new opportunity like this shouldn’t be the primary reason you change your life. How awkward is it, for instance, when someone gets a new leadership position and they suddenly seem to be a completely different person?

Don’t be that person who has to do an almost complete 180-degree turn to fit into your position. Instead, live as if you’re already in it so that when it comes, you’ll succeed without much additional change.

And don’t just do it because you don’t want to be seen as weird. Do it because it’s the right thing to do and it will make your life a lot better.

When I started becoming a missionary long before I left for England, my life began to quickly improve in all the best ways. My grades, friends, happiness, and work opportunities began to flourish like never before. I finally felt confident in who I was and that I was on the right path.

The same can happen for you no matter where you’re at in life. Just picture the person you want to become, whether that’s attached to a specific position or not, and strive every day to live like that person. Ask yourself “would the best version of me do this thing?” and if not, then don’t do it. If so, double down on it.

Become the best version of yourself now and your life will improve immediately. You’ll find that when new opportunities arise, you’ll be able to hit the ground running and succeed like you never thought possible.