I’ve recently discovered a habit I have that I’m going to try to get rid of. It’s something that I can now see has been a problem for a long time. And it’s been holding me back from being my best to others as well.
I’m realizing that I am not very good at being kind about the things that I dislike that others enjoy.
Think about how you feel when someone is really rude and outspoken about something that you really like. It makes you feel awful, doesn’t it? Even worse, you start to lose respect for the person. Your relationship with them suffers and you grow farther apart.
It’s really hitting me how bad this has been for me for many years, and it’s kind of embarrassing.
So I’m going to be more careful to be quiet when I dislike something that I know someone else loves. I’ll say things like “it’s not my favorite.” instead of “this is the worst!”
I’m going to stop going on and on about how much I hate something and instead just stop at saying that I don’t enjoy it. Or even better, not anything at all!
I have a feeling that this little change is going to make my relationships better and make me happier.